Support Girls' Education in Afghanistan Support Afghan Refugees in the United States Help schools, victims of terror attacks and IDPs our students at Bamyan Baba School

Bamyan Foundation

Org #47200
Vetted since 2018
year founded
raised on GlobalGiving
years fundraising
projects funded
* Amounts in US Dollars


Bamyan Foundation is a registered non-profit and non-partisan section 501(c)(3) organization located in Washington DC. We are dedicated to promoting and providing support in the following key areas: 1). Education and Humanitarian Aid Initiatives in the marginalized and persecuted Hazara communities in Afghanistan; 2). Community Development efforts to support the Hazara diaspora and the new evacuees in the United States; 3) Hazara refugees scattered around the world; and 4) Our priority is to support women and girls in said three key areas. Hazaras are one of the main ethnic/racial groups in Afghanistan, who are under increased risk of genocide in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, according to... read more

Project Leaders
Timor Karimy
Timor Karimy
Jeff Stern, Feroza Yari, Zahra Yagana

Project Reports

Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:

Aid Distribution in Kabul and Herat

By Timor Karimy | Founder & President

Dear Friends, After the ISIS terrorist attack on Mellat Sports Club located in the Hazara western part of Kabul in late November 2023, our team on the ground began the process of identifying the... Read the full report ›

Girls' Scholarships - Final Update for Year 2023

By Timor Karimy | Founder & President

Thank you for your generous donation to Support Girls’ Education in Afghanistan. 2023 was another difficult year for girls and women in Afghanistan. The only country, where women and girls are... Read the full report ›

Yalda Night 2024

By Timor Karimy | Founder & President

Thank you for your generous gifts to Support Afghan Refugees in the United States. The Hazara-American Association, with the support of the Bamyan Foundation, organized and celebrated Yalda Night on... Read the full report ›
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